Category: SSH

  • 10 Linux SSH Command for Monitor System Resources

    Just open Terminal and type this:

    Real-Time Monitoring


    Enhanced Monitoring

    sudo apt-get install htop

    Virtual Memory Stats

    Time interval to monitor virtual memory statistics, including swap usage and system operations

    vmstat 5

    CPU and I/O Statistics

    Time interval to observe CPU statistics and I/O transfer rates.

    sudo apt-get install sysstat
    iostat 5

    Check Memory Usage

    use -m or -g for outputs in MB or GB, respectively, to review your system’s memory usage.

    free -h

    Network Statistics

    view network connections and routing tables, and add flags like -a or -t for more detailed information

    netstat -a

    Disk Space Usage

    use the -h flag for a human-readable format, to examine disk space usage for each mounted filesystem.

    df -h

    Directory Space Usage

    dd -h for human-readable output, to assess the space used by that directory and its sub-directories.

    du -sh /path/to/directory

    Multi-Processor Usage

    followed by a time interval (e.g., mpstat 5) to analyze CPU usage for each processor.

    mpstat -P ALL 5

    Overall System Monitoring

    Interactive monitor that displays CPU, memory, network, and disk usage
